Obviously, just the ability to play scales is not the end game. My next step is to be able to play some simple songs by ear in both C and F. Ross Walters, recommended these three songs:
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Row Row Row Your boat
The purpose is to be able to play these by ear in both C and F. I am finding that once I was able to play these three, that it was a small step to play any song I know by ear as we will see in my next post.
I am going to introduce you to a new software tool that I am finding valuable. Musecore is a free Application which allows you to enter notes on a musical score. While the free version allows note entry and play back you have to subscribe at $60/year to gain access to the massive collection of songs. I have subscribed and quickly found musical notation for the 3 songs mentioned above. You can download the app for Windows or Mac at: https://musescore.org/en
You can search for specific songs, once you are a subscriber.
As I play these for you, I'll be looking the music notation to remind me of the timing and correct pitches.