Next in my chromatic learning is the Key of G. As shown in the image below, this major scale keeps the same major scale interval pattern of whole,whole,half,whole,whole,whole,half.
To do that, we need an F#.

In music notation (below), we see where the G major scale notes are along with the required hole and direction. Note the F# is 6 draw slide. As I play the scale, I am thinking the notes. When I get to the F#, I am thinking F raised a half step which is what using the slide does. I am practicing the scale with alternate C with the slide used. That results in the fewest changes of breath direction.
Note the key signature of a G scale in music notation is shown by adding the sharp notation symbol on the F line. Anytime you see a note on ether the 5th line You will play an F with the slide in. That would also include the first space which also is an F. (2 draw-slide)

The following video is me playing the scale and some of the simple songs recommenced by the Ross Walter's curriculum.